Onboarding process is not just hire orientation, but a complex and very important process of adaptation the newcomer to become a productive team member...
On Boarding: Short Guide
Posted on Sun, 10. February 2019 in blog

Onboarding process is not just hire orientation, but a complex and very important process of adaptation the newcomer to become a productive team member...
Notes from PyConDE 2018 in Karlsruhe.
Why does every project need it's indentity to be developed. How to show the uniqueness of the project...
Notes from PyConDE 2018 in Karlsruhe.
Optimizing small molecule drugs is a multiparameter problem...
Notes from PyConDE 2018 in Karlsruhe.
Summary of the most popular dependency management python tools.
Notes from PyConDE 2018 in Karlsruhe.
Best practices in eCommerce.
How to create simple app with Django Oscar and further path to success...